Wa (Jepun)

Aksara Cina atau Wa

Wa (code: ja is deprecated , "Jepun, orang Jepun", dari bahasa Cina code: zh is deprecated atau Wa) ialah nama tertua Jepun yang tercatat dalam sejarah. Para penulis China, Korea, dan Jepun pada zaman purba sering menuliskannya untuk menyebut Yamato. Aksara code: zh is deprecated ("kurcaci") digunakan hingga abad ke-8. Setelah itu, orang Jepun menggantikan aksara ini dengan 和 yang bermaksud "harmoni, kedamaian, keseimbangan".

دِسا اْسلامِى
Sitagahi Kuni
نُسِيء وِلايَةِ اِسلامِِيَةِ
Sitagahi Agatanusi


  • Aston, William G. 1924. Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Charles E. Tuttle reprint 1972.
  • Carr, Michael. 1992. "Wa 倭 Wa 和 Lexicography," International Journal of Lexicography 5.1:1-30.
  • Forke, Alfred, tr. 1907. Lun-hêng, Part 1, Philosophical Essays of Wang Ch'ung. Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Karlgren, Bernhard. 1923. Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese. Dover Reprint 1974.
  • Lee, Kenneth B. 1997. Korea and East Asia: The Story of a Phoenix. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 0-275-95823-X OCLC 35637112.
  • Lewis, James B. and Amadu Sesay. 2002. Korea and Globalization: Politics, Economics and Culture. Routledge. ISBN 0-7007-1512-6 OCLC 46908525 50074837.
  • Nakagawa Masako. 2003. The Shan-hai ching and Wo: A Japanese Connection, Sino-Japanese Studies 15:45-55.
  • Tsunoda Ryusaku, tr. 1951. Japan in the Chinese dynastic histories: Later Han through Ming dynasties. Goodrich, Carrington C., ed. South Pasadena: P. D. and Ione Perkins.
  • Wang Zhenping. 2005. Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relations in the Han-Tang Period. University of Hawai'i Press.
  • Wilkinson, Endymion. 2000. Chinese History: a manual, revised and enlarged ed. Harvard University Asia Center.