
Ximen in regular script
PronunciationXīmén (Pinyin)
Se-mn̂g (Pe̍h-ōe-jī)
Language(s)Chinese language
Meaningwestern gate
Other names
Variant form(s)(Mandarin)
See alsoXi (surname)

Ximen (simplified Chinese: 西门; traditional Chinese: 西門; pinyin: Xīmén) is a Chinese compound surname. Ximen literally means "west gate", the origination story says that there was a noble family in Zheng or Qi state live near the west gate, so the descents took Ximen (west gate) as their family name. As compound surnames are rare in China, some Ximen families have changed their name to the single surname Xi(西).

Notable people named Ximen


Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Ximen.
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